Representing a significant leap forward in surveillance technology, the CP PLUS IlluMax Series of cameras combine advanced White Light and Infrared (IR) illumination to turn the...
Axis Communications’ newly launched first explosion-protected network horn speaker is certified for use in Zone and Division 1 hazardous locations. The new network horn speaker...
Manufactured in India with over 75% local components, the cameras reinforce Johnson Controls India’s position as a key surveillance player in the country. Johnson Controls...
The experience centre in Bengaluru will enable Axis to engage its stakeholders more effectively across India Axis Communications today opened their new office, and the ...
Around the world, education institutions are rolling out education video solutions to improve learning outcomes, boost campus security, and drive operating efficiency. Education institutions...
Urban communities are where large numbers of people around the world work, live and play. To meet the transportation demands of persons and vehicles, urban...
With an intensive research at the forefront, Matrix has been building innovative enterprise-grade solutions to cater to the demands of the domestic as well as...