AI & MLNews

G7CR Technologies fights back Corona Crisis with Technology

G7CR Technologies is on war footing pace to help businesses sustain and operate under pressuring time of Pandemic Coronovirus. The company is offering FREE MIGRATION of Desktops to Cloud so that businesses can declare work from home option for their employees and contribute to the safety of their employees.

Big companies are asking more employees to work from home as the novel coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the globe. Companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon have implemented remote working policies for many or all of their employees around the globe.

Realising how things are changing and affecting business across the country due to coronavirus, Dr. Christopher Richard, the Company’s Founder and a leading global industry technology expert has decided to de-focus on sales of their core technology offering and will work for a cause for the next two month in order to provide relief to businesses and help employees work safely from the comfort of their home.

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